Sunday, May 8, 2011

Thai Sticky Rice


2 Cups Sticky Rice

1. Soak the sitcky rice in cold water to cover by 2 inches for at least 3 hours, or as long as overnight.

2. Drain the rice and transfer to a traditional bamboo sticky rice steaming basket, or another steaming vessel such as a colander or strainer you can suspend over boiling water. Set aside.

3. Fill a steamer pot or larger saucepan with water. Bring the water to a rolling boil over high heat.

4. Place the rice-filled steaming basket on the pot so it is resting over the flowing steam. Cover steaming basket with a clean cloth.

5. Reduce the heat to maintain a steady flow of steam and cook until the rice swells and glistens and is sticky enough to be squeezed into small lumps. 30-45 minutes. Add boiling water to the steamer pot as needed to maintain original level.

6. As soon as the rice is done, turn in out onto a large tray or baking sheet. Wet a wooden spoon and quickly and gently spread the rice out into a shallow layer to release some of the steam and moisture. As soon as it cools enough to touch, gather the rice gently into a large lump and place it in a sticky basket or on a serving plate. Serve hot, warm, or at room temperature.

Makes about 4 cups : serves 4

The cooking time for sticky rice varies according to how long the rice soaks. The longer you soak it, the faster it will cook.